"Super" gages provide real-time, continuous water-quality information for rivers and streams at selected Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) streamgages. By combining discrete and continuous data in statistical models, USGS scientists can continuously estimate constituents that are difficult to measure in real-time. For example, in-stream turbidity sensors are often used to continuously estimate suspended sediment concentrations. Continuously measured and estimated concentrations, as well as loads, are publicly accessible on USGS Web pages.
Super Gage Types
Specific water-quality parameters collected at each site are listed below. Additional data, such as precipitation, also may be collected. The site page for each gage lists all the data available.
USGS Fact Sheet 2015-3041 provides more detailed information about super gages, how they operate, and the data they collect.
Tim Lathrop
(317) 600-2782
Jeff Woods
(317) 600-2762